
When I moved to Whitefield, I was looking for a full-gospel church close-by. As I was walking around with my wife, found Calvary Temple AG Church. It was amazing and I felt the power of the Holy Spirit with his omnipresence filling the house of God. So we continued to attend. We got excellent spiritual food – uncompromising and blunt (which many pastors may not do) from Rev. Arthur’s message every week. One thing worth to be noted is that the Pastor was always sharp to recognize the gifts of every believer and encourage them to be used for God’s Glory. I praise God for the vision and the passion which pastor possess since the day I know him. So, if you are around in and around Whitefield and looking for a good fellowship, please do join us and we will be ready for the final harvest of souls!

– Benjamin.

Calvary Temple is a very special for us. Our family is blessed and encouraged spiritually all the time. Senior Pastor and his wife always stand as a living testimony. They inspire and encourage us to pray and be a blessing to others. The church has got a vision to reach out to unreached and work towards that rather than looking to growing the church

– Sri Venu

Calvary Temple has changed my life. It’s been a blessing to my life as well as to my family. Through this church, under Pastor Arthur Napolean’s leadership, it has definitely made me a better person. Pastor’s preaching has helped me set direction in my life. Pastor’s spirit of not giving up on us has inspired me a lot. Pastor Christina has always showed unconditional love, the warmth of a spiritual mother. Both of them have been an inspiration and motivation in my life.

– Sherlin Tony

We are grateful to part of Calvary Temple. Our Pastor and his wife are our spiritual father and mother, guiding and supporting us at all times.

– Rajesh and Kirubha

Blessed to have a strong/true “BIBLE TEACHER”

– Stanlee

Calvary Temple is really transparent in God’s verses without adding and removing any words in the Bible. Church is getting ready for Jesus’ second coming. Pastor’s mindset is helping people who are really in need and spreading God’s message is straightforward.

– J. Vinodh Kumar

Blessed to be a Calvarian. Every preaching by Pastor, his wife is so enthusiastic and energetic to lead our daily life by the Word of God. I just admire and enjoy the way Pastor leads us in prayer and the Word of God. So blessed to have such a Pastor and Aunty. Every work penetrates deep into our heats and we exercise them in our daily lives. Church is growing very strong in prayer.

– Sonia Prabhu

My soul has been sanctified after coming to this church. I’ve started to know more about God and have been living with gladness in my heart.

– Veerammal

This church has strengthened us immensely in the Lord

– Paulraj

I am privileged to be a member of CTAG church. Our Pastor, Rev. Arthur Napolean is a man of God who is dedicated, prayerful, humble, sacrificial with great vision to his ministry. Ever since we have come to this church, our family is blessed personally and spiritually. Our Pastor is concerned about every family and he is like a father to everyone in their distress and need to uphold them in his prayer and offer maximum help. Our church is a wonderful church with many leaders and prayer warriors involving in outreach programs and supporting other branch ministries.

– Prema Moses

The church, Pastor and his wife prayed for the safe confinement of my wife with great burden. I thank God for church for giving us the guidance and direction. I have been joyfully giving to the Lord and he has blessed me live a debt-free life.

– AnthuvanIrudaya Raj

Our Pastor has been a great support and we are blessed to be part of the church. God has blessed me with such an amazing spiritual father. Thank you for all your prayers, support and guidance.

– Rajesha Stephen

I have been blessed by my church. Our beloved Pastors are very caring and loving. They are humble and always available to our family. Anyone can feel at home at Calvary Temple AG Church

– Chandra Robinson

Through this church, the Lord God Almight changed my life. Our shattered family has been reunited. Our family is now saved and blessed.

– Vasanthi

I feel blessed to be part of this congregation. We need such a mentor who focuses on God’s work. He is a man of God with uniqueness. Our Pastor often says to not bring people who are members of other churches. His concern is about the sheet without shepherd. He doesn’t organize for one-man show instead, he trains everyone to participate in the ministry. Pastor’s wife is such a great blessing to us. She is very humble and has a great consoling spirit. We’ve got great leaders and congregation who are always there to help us and to pray for us at any time. I personally tasted many great miracles and God’s wonderful leading in this church. Our Pastor never allows us to always depend on prosperity and miracles, instead he trained us to be rooted in God’s word, to pray without ceasing, to be humble, to do something for God and to have a vision that leads us into missions.

– Preethi Stanlee

Calvary Temple AG Church taught us to stand on our knees and pray. To be rooted and rely on God’s word. Our Pastor is a very faithful servant of God. Pastor Christina shares the love of Jesus to every member of the church.

– B. Thompson

Pastor has been a great support for me and my family. He has stood with us like Moses and upheld us in prayers. I thank you for all your sacrificial prayer and support and for being the spiritual father. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

– Stephen M

Calvary Temple has been a great blessing to us. We are blessed spiritually growing everyday through our Senior Pastor’s teachings about the Word of God. Our Senior Pastor and Pastorammaare great blessing for us. The Youth Pastor and other leads are also a great blessing to us. The Worship team above all is also great. We thank God for making us members of this church.

– Suresh & Sindhu

This church has been a blessing to us in all possible ways. I am what I am today because of God’s grace, impact of Calvary Temple and our Pastor’s prayer and support.

– Ravi Prasad S

Calvary Temple has taught me to shoulder the burden of our fellow believers and support one another by prayer or materialistic offering – optimal utilization of minimal and available resources to service the kingdom of God.

– Rohit Robinson

Our church, Calvary Temple AG has played a great part in my life for teaching me everything. I would like to call our Pastor as “Father” for leading us spiritually. I ask our heavenly father to give you long life and all the happiness you need

– Hannah Samson

Calvary Temple AG church has been a blessing in many lives including mine. Pastor uncle as a father has been leading everyone of us. I would like to thank Pastor uncle and aunty for everything and that God shall give them good health and happiness. I’ve been praying for Pastor about his leg treatment. That day when Pastor told that the doctors advised that there is no need for surgery, I thanked God and I would continue to pray for the church and uncle that God would take care, lead and protect Pastor wherever he goes.

– Hannah Naresh

I am attending Calvary Temple for over two and half years. Since then it is a blessing to me and my family. Every message and worship led by Pastor has been a learning for me and God speaks to me through the Pastor.

– ShambaviPoun

All Glory to God. I humble myself in the light of the Lord, thanking all the Calvarians where our Senior Pastor, Rev. Arthur Napolean stood and guided us in hard times. He taught me how to pray. The church prayed for me and my family. God’s mercy and grace lifted me up from the dust. I am privileged to be at CTAG.

– John Reagan

Calvary Temple church is like my home. Our Pastor is like my father. He gives me the best advice when I most need it.

– Ruth Simon

I, first saw our Pastor in Gandhipura as a small young boy doing God’s ministry. I feel very happy and proud that this young boy became the Pastor of Calvary Temple AG church. More than 30 years, he has been serving this church with dedication and sacrificial ministry. My eyes have seen your growth spiritually and physically. I thank God for you and your family, for being a great support and blessing always to me and my family. May God bless you with His grace and renewed strength.

– NeelaMuniswamy

Calvary Temple AG Church has been harvesting souls for His Kingdom and has been portraying the way to eternal life for over 38 years. This church’s ministry has uplifted the life of many downtrodden, socially backward families. Scores of people have been redeemed from the clutches of Satan, released from alcoholic addiction and all kinds of bondages. Many families have risen from poverty to riches, from torturous to peaceful lives. Above all, through this church numerous ministers have emerged and trained, they are serving the Lord in many parts of the city, country and foreign nations. Our Pastor has been serving the Lord from the age of 17. He has sacrificed his entire life and resources amidst challenging circumstances. Through this spiritual father, many underprivileged young men and women have finished college and are now leading a reputed life. Our Pastor has served without any materialistic desires but has wholly trusted on God’s provision. Likewise, our spiritual mother is exceedingly patient and humble. She is overwhelmingly caring and has been taking care of numerous widows. We are truly blessed to be part of this church and it’s ministry.

– Arun Xavier

Our Pastor is my advisor, teacher and counselor. When I see him and hear God’s Word, my faith in God grows deeper. He is the best prayer warrior.

– Simon Peter

Thanks for everything this church has done for me and my family. It has increased my faith in God everyday. Our Pastor has been helpful in leading a spiritual life.

– Prama (Simon)

Our Pastor has been a blessing to me always. As a father, he has stood with me always. I thank him for all the love and care. I am blessed to part of Calvary AG Church.

– James Wilson. M

Calvary AG is a very good church. I love the Sunday school, the teachers. I thank Pastor uncle, aunty and Elisheva, my best friend.

– Sahana

Calvary Church is really a blessing to my family and myself. I appreciate all the hard work of the Pastor to encourage all the believers into the work of the building the Kingdom of God and correct us when we stumble by his powerful messages.

– Sumy

Jesus is our healer, comforter and all in all. God gave a promise word which came to pass the next day. God has done miracles through Calvary AG church.

– Gopu, Sridevi and Angelina

I am really thankful to the Pastor and Church because before I came to the church I had a very bad health problem and was only able to recover from it due to the prayers of the believers and the words of faith.

– Indira M

I was infested with many bondages. I was then diagnosed with last stage cancer. I was admitted at KIDWAI hospital and went through four surgeries. I was under constant medication, but the pain didn’t subside. I never knew how to pray or read the Bible. At that time, one of minister from Calvary Temple AG came over to my home to pray over me and afterwards I started coming to church. During one of the prayer sessions, Pastor called upon those who were sick to pray for them. I prayed in tears and God touched me and I’ve been healed ever since. I still have sores in my body but I’m recovering. I’ve been baptized now and God has marvelously blessed our family.

– Vani

I was in severe depression before coming to this church. I have now been redeemed and leading a blissful life.

– Anonymous

I was rejected by many people as an individual of no use to anyone. I moved to Bangalore in 2014 and attended one of the service at Calvary Temple AG. My spiritual father and mother didn’t see me as others, their perception was different. They didn’t look at my income, my education but still recognized me as part of the church and bestowed leadership roles in the church. Amidst many rejections, God gave me hope through them. I would have succumbed to sins if I wasn’t part of this church or met our Pastor. I began to start my day in prayer and day by day I grew in the knowledge of the Spirit. I nurtured the hope that I can achieve something in my life. God has been using me as a channel of blessing to my family and the church. This church emphasizes on the Word of God and walk accordingly. Millions of thanks to our dear God for providing Sprit-filled father and mother.

– Anish P.V

In a vicinity of Whitefield, I’m very glad to be part of a spirit-filled church. The love of the church believers, Pastor and his wife besides their prayers, I was able to free myself from the addiction of alcohol.

– Abel S

Pastor and his wife have been a blessing in possible ways to me and my family. From many years, I have seen the way God has been using you and uplifting you in His ministry. I pray that you both will continue to be used for the extension of God’s Kingdom and be blessing to thousands.

– Rani M

Until 1993, I didn’t know Jesus. I was following the ways of the world. Through our Pastor, I was saved and he has been my spiritual father and guide to me and to my family. I thank the church for standing with us. I pray that the ministry of the church would grow stronger.

– Gopi M

Our Pastor took over as Senior Pastor in 1987. We have witnessed several miracles and signs through this ministry from the very beginning. God has expended the boundaries of his ministry. He encourages everyone to be instrumental in God’s kingdom and as a result many ministries started at various branches. Several committed their lives for full-time ministry and our Pastor sent many to study at SABC. He has blessed others financially without sparing anything for himself. Our Pastor has been a great spiritual father to Calvary Temple AG church with great anointing. He is an epitome of love, compassion and humility and loves everyone equally. Our Pastor’s wife is extremely patient and caring. We thank God for such a blessed couple as ministers of the church. We thank God for their daughter, Elisheva, as the Lord has been using her at this tender age and she is loved by all Calvarians. We greatly thank Pastor, his wife and their daughter for their contributions to the church.

– Sunder P

I thank Pastor and his wife for being a great spiritual father and mother. You and the church is the gift I’ve received through my marriage. Your words of wisdom have enabled me to overcome many difficult circumstances in my life with God’s help. I pay attention to every single word during your sermon.

– Rachel Samson

I have learnt through this church not to go behind ministers or people for prayer requests but to rather pray all by myself in my room. Pastor has chastised us, and we correct yourselves. I’ve learnt that when we give, we are blessed.

– Kavitha James

Just as how God assigned our earthly parents, He has assigned our Pastor and his wife as spiritual parents. I could write a book about them. Our Pastor is like a father, brother and teacher. There’s always love in his anger. He has sacrificed his life for the church and the believers. I have never seen a selfless minister like him. The entire Whitefield knows about our Pastor. He would have been one of the wealthiest in Whitefield but instead he shared everything with others. Likewise, our Pastor’s wife possesses the same qualities as our Pastor. She has helped every believer who has sought help even when she didn’t have anything to spare. They both are a gift from God to our church. Till my last breath, I will never forget our dear Pastor and his wife.

– LathaJabaraj

We didn’t know much about Christ and the Bible. After we started attending Calvary Temple AG church, we began to understand Jesus deeper. Post baptism and fervent prayers, we experienced many miracles and wonders in our lives. Our Pastor and his wife have been teaching us the ways of the truth. Our children have been blessed through Sunday school ministry. I’ve received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. All glory to God.

– Usha AnthuvanIrudaya Raj

When my life was at its lowest and when I had lost all hope, God miraculously lead me to this church. I could feel God’s presence and the word shared by our Pastor every week started a change in my life. I could feel the transformation in myself. My sadness turned to joy, my inner turmoil turned to peace and hope. My weakness turned to strength. When I waited in the presence of the Lord and casted my burdens on him, God lead miraculously lead day and night. I have experienced God’s mighty hand in my life. I have been a Christian my whole but became a true believer only after becoming a part of this church. I specially thank my Pastor, Rev. Arthur Napolean and his wife, Pastor Christina for all the love and support rendered to me these years. Their compassion has been beyond measure and I pray that God would bless them richly in all spheres of their lives. May their ministry expand, and they be a blessing to countless people. CTAG has an amazing congregation and fellowship. I thank God for this extended family who strongly support each other in prayer and in deeds.

– Sophia Swenson

Calvary Temple AG church is a family-oriented church with strong family values founded on prayer. I’m privileged to have been raised here. I was christened, baptized and got married in this church. From a very humble beginning to the state it is today, God has been answering every single prayer. There’s a sense of belonging here, every individual is respected and given importance. There’s no prejudice based on social or economic status. Our Pastor has been instrumental in creating this culture and environment. Besides being our spiritual father, there are many areas of our lives he has caused a greater impact. I want to thank him for all that he has taught us. The knowledge and wisdom that he has imparted us has undoubtedly been a great help and support throughout our career and personal lives. I believe our success is atleast in part due to his sincere support and mentorship. He has been an excellent teacher, mentor and great inspiration for us. He has inspired us to pursue our goals with hardwork and dedication. He has shown us the values of honesty, sincerity and trust. It will forever remain a great contributor to our success and achievements. Our Pastor’s wife is an inspiration to many. She has touched the lives of many through her caring and generous life. We are forever indebted to the great sacrifices that Pastor and his wife have made for our sake.

– Swenson

It’s a blessing to be part of CTAG family. I have a very special love for this church, because it is here that the Lord has enriched my life beyond my greatest imagination. It has been an inexplicable providence of God that He put me here. I’m so thankful to have been in a place where I have seen the Lord build His church generation after generation. This has been an incredible blessing for me since I first came, and the Lord was already building the church. I’ve watched it all grow. With the mentorship of our beloved Pastor I’ve grown spiritually, and I have had various opportunities and platforms to serve the Lord. Appreciate his dedication, faithfulness, leadership and compassion while shepherding God’s flock at CTAG.

– Preethi Sujoy

I’m a convert to Christianity. When I was in Bangalore with my family, I was searching for a church to attend Sunday service. An auto-driver took me to this church. The first time I attended the service, it was mind blowing. I admired Pastor’s dedicated involvement in the ministry with a different style of advancing the church. At first, I feared Pastor but as the days went by, I realized how caring, sweet and selfless he is. He thinks always about the welfare of he believers. Eventually we shifted to Chennai and our hearts were sad for missing the church and the pastor. However our loving Pastor drove all by himself to Chennai and conducted my son’s marriage. I pray that God should give him good health and many more fruitful years in ministry. He never thought of his own comfort but only that of his believers.

– Prasanna

We are so blessed to have a church and Pastors like Rev. Arthur and Pastor Christina. We moved to Kadugodi soon after my husband joined his office in ITPL, Whitefield. For nearly a month, we searched for a church. One fine day, we met an aunty with Bible and we asked if she knew about any churches nearby and she immediately mentioned about Calvary Temple AG Church. We started to come to this church and God gave us a promise verse which we used to confess and pray. I started taking Sunday School and in the meanwhile God blessed us with a baby girl in that same year. Spiritually, mu husband and I changed a lot through the sermons and seeing the unity in the church, we felt like a family. Whenever and whichever time it may be, we called uncle and aunty for prayer and they used to attend the call and pray for us. So we learnt so much from them. They are an inspiration as an individual and as a family. Praise Jesus!

– Ranjanna & Ashok