

Our mission is to guide people of all backgrounds into a
personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Single Women Ministry

We began the ‘Naomi Project’ with the intent of meeting the basic needs of widows and single women. These drives are conducted every month and we have witnessed many lives being touched through this ministry of compassion. The Single Women’s Ministry is  focused on the special needs and concerns of single women in the church. The ministry provides, support, socialization, and training of single women in the church.It meets to aid in the spiritual and social development of young girls and single women who have been abandoned by the society or their husbands, who have been a victim of dowry and other social evils. We strive in providing shelter and support in earning their livelihood.

Youth Ministry

There are four goals of the ministry:

(1) To get the Youth of the church involved in all ministries of the church.

(2) To assist the Youth of the Church in the Development of their Spiritual growth.

(3) To provide an avenue for the Youth of the church to have fun, fellowship, and an opportunity to get to know each other. We drive Youth missions in winning souls for Christ.
(4) To make the youth spread the Word of God in every sphere and in their respective capabilities. We instill in them a heart of mission, to reach the unreached and to explore the unexplored.

Men’s Fellowship

Men are ‘Chosen to Serve’ the family, church and community. The Men’s Fellowship is open to all menwho have a desire to grow as spiritual and Christian men. We focus on men being spiritual leaders of their families, bringing Christ as the epicenter of their lives. This ministry seeks to: establish a fellowship among men based upon biblical principles; provide a place where men can discuss issues from a Christian male perspective; study and understand how scripture informs us as men, husbands, fathers, brothers and community leaders; develop church and community projects for other men and youth in the church and community and examine ways of putting relationships in the proper context in which God intended

Married Couples Fellowship

What God has joined, let no man put asunder. We focus on connecting with couples that share the same desire for their marriages to not just survive but flourish. According to a survey, within the IT sector alone, in 2006, there were nearly 1300 divorce cases. In 2003, that same number was less than 300. There are 25 divorce cases filed every day. So we focus on reversing the trend of instability and uncertainty of marriage. The young married couples also plan one fellowship event regularly. These events are focused on fun and excitement, as well as bringing unity amongst each other.

Children Ministry

We train our children to become the next generation leaders and lead an impactful life. We want children to hear the message of Christ’s unconditional love and to guide them to grow into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We provide a safe environment where children feel physically, emotionally and spiritually secure through building relationships with the children through play, by making the Bible come alive through music and activities, through interactive learning that is creative, age-appropriate and fun! We want our children to learn to have God’s heart for the World.